Notes regarding Encryption

  1. when using encryption, the following parts will be encrypted while sending a message:

    1. message.content: this includes, text, contact name, media file path
    2. message.location: will encrypt location name, address, lat and lng
    3. will encrypt cotnact name and numbers
    4. message.thumb: will encrypt message thumbnail
  2. Statuses will NOT be encrypted since it will be available for ALL users.

  3. currently, E3 Kit (End-to-End) is not being applied for Groups since it's still a limitation in Virgil's SDK because they don't support multiple 'Admins' in a Group. until they support that, we've used normal AES encryption for Groups ONLY even if you have E2E enabled.

  4. according to Virgil's SDK, the maximum number of encrypting a message at a time is 200. therefore if you are using Broadcast, make sure that the maximum number of Broadcast participants is 200.

  5. Group events, like a User was added,etc.. will NOT be encrypted